Tuesday, August 30, 2011

5 Simple Things You Can Do to Heal You

Before modern medicines were discovered, doctors often times incorporated traditional approach, such as massage, in their practice. With the modern technologies started to emerge, the practice of modern medicine started to drift apart from the traditional one. In result, Doctors' scope of practice is reduced to modern procedures while alternative medicine practitioners are reduced to the traditional approach.

Although, I don't deny the effectiveness of surgery and other modern medicines, I believe that before going to any extreme invasive procedures, one needs to know about all the pro and con of the procedures. Sometime the side effects of a medication can outweigh the benefits.

You should know that surgery should be the last attempt. It's not a bad idea to do your research for other alternatives. One treatment might not right for everyone. Every human body is different, and the ability to heal is also different from person to person. These are tips for you to remember to help your healing process:

1. Know the stages of your injury. Massage won't be beneficial for you when your injury is within 24- 48 hours (acute phase). The best thing to do is R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compress, and elevate). If your injury is more serious than a strain, do not detour to your massage therapist, but go straight to the hospital to get further medical help.

2. Have an initiative. After a massage, you can do in-home treatment until you can get to your next massage. You can stretch, cold or heat treatments and so on. You can even talk to your massage therapist to show you some stretching.

3. Relax. You'll be surprised how stress can make your injury worst. Injury might regress in between massage sessions due to many things. Do not expect that you can get better from just 1 session. Ligament takes a long time to heal than tendon and muscle, due to lack of blood supplies.

4. Be communicative with your medical providers. Let your massage therapist know if you need your treatment to be modified.

5. Be communicative with your body. It will tell you what aggravates the pain or relieves it. Most people who go through pain will usually be more aware of their bodies.

Just by remembering these 5 simple tips, you can make the best judgement for your action. So you can decided what to do to heal you.